Julia Kannewischer

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18.12.2017 de Zweiti Chrieger  -  Warrior 2  -  Virabhadrasana 2

The Yogic Advent Calendar

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to live together with my close friend Robyn Banaki and apart from many other things December became the most magical time with her. We would push loving kindness to the limit, treat each other with little surprises, create rhymes out of our advent calendars and drink literally litres of tea together laughing under our kitchen table.

Inspired by that feeling of acting selflessly and making someone else’s day just that little bit more special I created a Yogic Advent Calendar for December 2017 free of charge for everyone! It’s a collection of easy, accessible and soothing poses – the little kindness you can give yourself every day until Christmas.

The only thing you have to do is following me on instagram, facebook or check my website for daily advent asana!

Use #jkadvent2017 and tag me for sharing your pictures of the poses on instagram and facebook, if you like!

With Love,


18.12.2017   de Zweiti Chrieger  -  Warrior 2  -  Virabhadrasana 2

Sensations of your body influence your mentality and vice versa. Feeling strong, grounded and focused in your body, will support your self-confidence and concentration in life. Often my mat is the place where I realise what’s going on in my life. On the other hand, what we practice on the mat, we can apply to every day situations. Warrior 2 is a great example for that. Build a strong foundation with your legs: Root your feet into the ground, bring the outer edge of the back foot parallel to the back of your mat and press it into the earth, as well as your front foot, which is strongly rooted through its heel. Align your front knee on top of your ankle and let it point into the direction of your toes. Let your weight fall down into your legs. Reach your arms out and open up the space of your heart between your shoulders. Find a clear focus point and rest your eyes in stillness. Practice concentration, determination, clarity of mind and presence in space.

S Körpergfühl beiiflusst Din mentali Zuestand und umgekehrt. Es Körpergfühl vo Stärchi, Ärdig und Fokus unterstützt s Sälbschtbewusstsii und d Konzentration i anderne Bereiche vom Läbe. Oft isch mini Matte de Ort, wo ich usegfinde, was würklich grad passiert i mim Läbe. Uf de andere Siite, chömmer was mer uf de Matte praktiziered au i Alltagssituatione awände. De Zweiti Chrieger isch es sehr guets Biispiil für das. Bau es starchs Fundamänt mit Dine Bei uf: Verwurzle d Füess i d Ärde, d Fuessussekante vom hindere Fuess isch parallel zum hindere Matteändi und presst starch i d Ärde ine, wie au de vorderi Fuess, wo sich vor allem dur d Färse verwurzlet. S vordere Chnüü isch überem Fuessglänk usgrichtet und zeigt i die gliich Richtig wie d Zeche. Lass s Gwicht i d Bei abe gheie. Streck d Arme use und mach Din Härzruum wiit uf zwüsche de Schultere. Find en klare Fokuspunkt und lass d Auge still wärde. Praktizier Konzentration, Entschlosseheit, Klarheit im Geischt und Presänz im Ruum.