10.12.2017 Sphinx  -  Salamba Bhujangasana

The Yogic Advent Calendar

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to live together with my close friend Robyn Banaki and apart from many other things December became the most magical time with her. We would push loving kindness to the limit, treat each other with little surprises, create rhymes out of our advent calendars and drink literally litres of tea together laughing under our kitchen table.

Inspired by that feeling of acting selflessly and making someone else’s day just that little bit more special I created a Yogic Advent Calendar for December 2017 free of charge for everyone! It’s a collection of easy, accessible and soothing poses – the little kindness you can give yourself every day until Christmas.

The only thing you have to do is following me on instagram, facebook or check my website for daily advent asana!

Use #jkadvent2017 and tag me for sharing your pictures of the poses on instagram and facebook, if you like!

With Love,




10.12.2017   Sphinx  -  Salamba Bhujangasana

Looks super easy, doesn’t it? So here are some notifications for you on this quite intense backbend: Bring your elbows in alignment with your shoulder joints to start off. Now activate your stomach, as if you were trying to take your belly button off the mat in order to lengthen your lower back. Apply slight pressure into your feet to activate your hamstrings (knees lift off the mat), but keep the buttocks relaxed. Slide your sternum forward through your shoulders and hug your elbows in. Keep your neck long and try to breathe deeply while keeping your stomach in and your legs active.

Gseht eifach us, oder? Demfall da es paar Amerkige zu dere intensive Rückwärtsbüügi: Stell d Ellböge unter de Schultere ufem Bode uf zum afange. Aktivier de Buuch, als würsch welle de Buuchnabel vo de Matte wegnäh zum de unteri Rugge verlängere. Bring liechte Druck i d Füess zum d Oberschänkelrücksiite aktiviere (Chnüü chömed vo de Matte weg), bhalt aber s Füdli entspannt. Schieb s Bruschtbei füre dur d Schultere dure und ziehn d Ellböge Richtig Körpermitti. Bhalt de Nacke lang und probier tüüf z schnuufe mit konstanter Aktivierig vo Buuch und Bei.