How Yoga can support you to thrive in daily life

When I started practicing yoga, I had no idea in how many areas of my life it would support me. I’m going to share here, how it could do that for you as well.


This one seems obvious and what most people are looking for when walking into a yoga class. But yoga is doing far more for your body than just increasing strength, flexibility, fitness and joint mobility. The asana practice (physical postures of yoga) is meant to cleanse your entire body in order to prepare you for the mental and spiritual aspects of yoga – yoga supports the detoxification systems of our body. This happens through the combination of physical exercise and mindful use of breath. Yoga has positive effects on your organs, your blood circulation, your hormones, your lymphatic system, your nerves, your brain… and everything else, which is happening in your body, because it is treating the human being in a whole, holistic approach. To name a few concrete positive effects: yoga can improve digestion, help with sleeping issues, make you stronger, more mobile and speed up the regeneration process of your organism. Expect to feel more comfortable in your own body.


Stepping onto the mat means to get in contact with yourself, because this is a place you can’t hide from the confrontation with yourself. Taking this time with the most inner self isn’t easy, but by connecting with ourselves, we gain ability to deeply connect with each other as well. Being absolutely honest with oneself brings authenticity, showing up to your weaknesses will make you only stronger. Yoga helps to deal with mental issues such as anxieties and depression, because it helps to cope with the self and practice kindness towards oneself.

Last but not least: yoga reduces stress. Stress often manifests within the body, practicing yoga helps to release such tensions, bring calmness and clarity to the mind and let go.


I’m not talking about honouring gods and chanting mantras – yes, this too can be a part of yoga and might eventually come with it – but I’m talking about becoming aware of the energies around you and within you. I’m talking about believing in and seeing the positive. I’m talking about practicing kindness towards each other and understanding, that we are all connected. I’m talking about the general idea of love. Yoga puts you in a positive vibration and makes you available for connection. 

