15.12.2017 Gynäkologestuel  -  Supported Bridge Pose  -  Setu Bandhasana

The Yogic Advent Calendar

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to live together with my close friend Robyn Banaki and apart from many other things December became the most magical time with her. We would push loving kindness to the limit, treat each other with little surprises, create rhymes out of our advent calendars and drink literally litres of tea together laughing under our kitchen table.

Inspired by that feeling of acting selflessly and making someone else’s day just that little bit more special I created a Yogic Advent Calendar for December 2017 free of charge for everyone! It’s a collection of easy, accessible and soothing poses – the little kindness you can give yourself every day until Christmas.

The only thing you have to do is following me on instagram, facebook or check my website for daily advent asana!

Use #jkadvent2017 and tag me for sharing your pictures of the poses on instagram and facebook, if you like!

With Love,




15.12.2017   Gynäkologestuel  -  Supported Bridge Pose  -  Setu Bandhasana

Lifting your pelvis higher than your heart supports your blood circulation and has a releasing effect on your organs – they enjoy hanging the opposite way for a change! Supported Bridge Pose is a gentle, passive and restorative way of inverting. Start with your feet parallel on the ground, lift your pelvis off the ground and slide a block, a pillow, a blackroll or something likewise underneath your sacrum bone, find a height which is accessible to you. Now make sure you keep your neck long, so your blood flows easily through it. Then open your feet and legs for additional comfort and hip opening. Let your pelvis become heavy and your organs fall towards your heart.

S Becki wiiter ufe als s Härz z lüpfe unterstützt d Durchbluetig und hed en entspannende Effekt uf d Organ – sie gnüsseds mal umgekehrt z hänge! Setu Bandhasana isch en liechti, passivi Art vo Umchehrhaltige. Fang mit de Füess parallel am Bode a, lüpf s Becki ufe und schieb en Block, es Chüssi, en Blackroll oder öpis ähnlichs under s Sacrum, find en Höchi wo für Dich zuegänglich isch. Pass uf, dass de Nacke lang bliibt, damit s Bluet problemlos dure flüsse chan. Denn chasch d Füess und Bei wiiter usenand bringe zum en bequemeri Position für d Hüfte und zuesätzlichi Öffnig z gfinde (daher de Name...). S Becki wird ganz schwär und d Organ gheied zum Härz.