14.12.2017 de Gaslöser  -  Wind Removing Pose  -  Apanasana

The Yogic Advent Calendar

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to live together with my close friend Robyn Banaki and apart from many other things December became the most magical time with her. We would push loving kindness to the limit, treat each other with little surprises, create rhymes out of our advent calendars and drink literally litres of tea together laughing under our kitchen table.

Inspired by that feeling of acting selflessly and making someone else’s day just that little bit more special I created a Yogic Advent Calendar for December 2017 free of charge for everyone! It’s a collection of easy, accessible and soothing poses – the little kindness you can give yourself every day until Christmas.

The only thing you have to do is following me on instagram, facebook or check my website for daily advent asana!

Use #jkadvent2017 and tag me for sharing your pictures of the poses on instagram and facebook, if you like!

With Love,




14.12.2017   de Gaslöser  -  Wind Removing Pose  -  Apanasana

The name says it pretty much - Apanasana helps against constipation and being bloated, furthermore it releases tensions in the lower back and opens up the hip joints through compression. Take one leg after the other close to your shoulder and slowly move it from side to side. Try to keep your sacrum bone and shoulder blades on the floor and your neck long. If necessary, bend the other leg and put the foot on the floor. On the right side you are massaging your ascending colon, on the left side the descending colon. In the end stretch your legs out and let the blood flow through your joints again.

De Name seid eich alles – Apanasana hilft gäge Verstopfig und Blähige, usserdem linderets Verspannige im untere Rugge und öffnet d Hüftglänk dur Kompression. Nimm eis Bei nach em andere nöch a die jewiiligi Schultere und beweg s Chnüü liecht vo einere Siite uf die ander, massier de unteri Buuch. Probier s Sacrum und d Schultere ufem Bode z bhalte und de Nacke lang. Wenn nötig, büüg s andere Bei und stell de Fuess ufem Bode ab. Uf de rächte Siite massiersch de ufstiigendi Dickdarm, uf de linge Siite de abstiigendi Dickdarm. Am Schluss streck d Bei us und lass s Bluet weder dur d Glänk dure flüsse.